Manage Your Entire Vendor Process

Create unlimited table tiers, customize & track vendor applications, process payments in advance, and build interactive venue maps to display vendor assignment.

Easily customize table tiers and your vendor application process

Add unlimited table tiers to your events and automatically enable volume discounts to cut out back and forth communication with vendors and make applications easy

Create custom application questions and upload vendor contracts so you get the full picture on vendors that apply to your events

Create Your Event
Event setup interface

Track & review vendor applications and monitor payments from one dashboard

Get a snapshot of your table payments and manage your event inventory to ensure your customers are receiving the best experience with your brand

Assess all your applications from a centralized dashboard and take actions like accepting/rejecting a vendor with the click of a button

Vendor management interface

Accept cash payments and import vendors from other platforms

Use the “Mark As Paid” feature to track payments from other platforms easily and maintain existing agreements with vendors

Create temporary vendors to support vendors that don’t want to use software or prefer other methods for the application process

Special guests interface

Build interactive venue maps for your vendors

Build venue map layouts from scratch, with all your vendor applications automatically integrated to make for easy table assignment and distribution

Display your vendors’ profiles live to your attendees to build hype around your events and give your vendors a platform to strengthen their brand

Learn More About Mapping
Interactive venue map